conjure sentence Ever since the witch used magic to conjure the frog, it has been a rock conscientious sentence She is a very conscientious person, so when she did something wrong she apologized because she thought it was the right thing to do.
conclusive sentence The hundreds of leaves in our yard is conclusive evidence that fall has started. Find 34 ways to say CONJURE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the worlds most trusted free thesaurus. conceive sentence In 1905, Albert Einstein conceived the idea that E=mc2. concede sentence Before the election, the candidate conceded that he would not win, so he dropped out of the election. caper setence When she found out she own the competition she capered around in the room in excitement. disturbed eccentric foolish goofy loony mentally unbalanced nuts nutty odd peculiar queer ridiculous strange twisted unconventional weird See also synonyms for: dottiness Rogets 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Synonym: Imputation, insinuation Antonym: Yell, outburst Sentence: How dare you accuse me of that innuendo of stealing your socks, Erroneous - Definition: (adj.) incorrect, wrong. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Definition: (n.) an indirect hint or suggestion about a person or thing, especially of an insulting or an offensive nature. borne sentence When she got a bite from the a mosquito, she was worried she wold get malaria because it is a mosquito-borne disease. Synonyms for conjure up verb summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic Synonyms bring up call down conjure invoke call forth put forward arouse evoke stir Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. benevolent sentence The teacher is often described as benevolent because she helps the homeless kids in Wisconsin. conjure Synonyms: implore, importune, crave, entreat, beseech, supplicate Antonyms: deprecate, protest, remonstrate, expostulate Princeton's WordNet Rate these synonyms: 0. Caper antonym seriousness caper synonym hop concede definition to acknowledge as true, just or proper admit concede antonym deny concede synonym accept conceive definition to form a notion or idea imagine conceive antonym denied conceive synonym develop conclusive definition serving to settle or terminate decisive convincing conclusive antonym unsettled conclusive synonym decisive conjure definition to effect, produce, or bring by or as if by magic conjure antonym disenchantment conjure synonym enchant conscientious definition governed by moral controlled by or done according to one's inner sense of what is right conscientious antonym immoral conscientious synonym principled convergence definition the act or instance of coming together convergence antonym seperation convergence synonym merging assent sentence After a lot of persuading, she finally assented to my request, and agreed to do her chores. Doing so makes you more likely to achieve it.